You can now track key performance metrics on a new Insights Dashboard:
The Keep Referrals in Local Network dashboard.
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.
This new dashboard will replace the Care Coordination Rate sentinel metrics dashboard.
This feature applies to practices utilizing Local Networks.
This update provides the following benefits:
- Allows you to track referral activity and dig in with extensive metrics like their total number of referrals, their keep rate, a breakdown of what specialties the referrals were sent to, and the order types.
- Seeing the total number of outbound referrals helps you identify patterns and trends in your referral data over time.
- Focusing on the total number of outbound referrals by Local Network Type lets you break down where your practice is sending referrals to by the type of local network (for example, Employed Network(s), Affiliate Network(s), and Out of Local Network).
- Narrowing in on the total keep rate helps you identify potential areas for improvement in your referral networks.
- Reviewing the distribution of keep rate by order type helps you track which order types are being sent to which network types.
- Highlighting Out of Local Network Reasons helps you identify trends, notice areas for improvement, and take proactive measures to mitigate out of network referrals.
Setup instructions
You must have the Insights Dashboards: Clinician Experience user permission to access dashboards for your context(s).
Your practice administrator can assign you this permission via their usual workflow. For more information on assigning a practice user permissions and roles, see User Guide — User Administration in O-help.
Your practice must have the Local Networks service turned on to access:
The new Keep Referral in Local Network dashboard
Local Networks
To turn on the Local Networks service for your organization, contact your CSM or your onboarding project team. On the Main Menu, click Support then Create Case or Call.
The Out of Local Network Reasons graph is only applicable to practices with out of local network reasons configured. If you do not have any reasons configured, this graph does not appear.
User access and permissions
You must have the:
Coordinator Admin: Local Networks role to manage local network configurations.
Insights Dashboards: Clinician Experience user permission to access dashboards for your context(s).
View Only: (Context Level) Benchmarking & Cross-Practice Views (Insights Dashboards) user permission to access the cross context view of the dashboard.
This permission provides insights at a parent context level. This permission is limited to users who have access to "parent" or "master" context.
Display Keep Referrals in Local Network dashboard on Insights Dashboard
Display Keep Referrals in Local Network dashboard from the Keep Referrals in Local Network option
The Keep Referral in Local Network dashboard is available as an option within the Improved Clinical Experience menu.
Once you click Keep Referrals in Local Network, you're routed to the Keep Referrals in Local Network dashboard.
Display Keep Referrals in Local Network dashboard from the Insights Dashboard
- Display the Insights Dashboard: On the Main Menu, click Reports > Insights Dashboards. The Insights Dashboards landing page appears in a new browser tab.
Click on, or hover over, Improved Clinical Experience.
Click Keep Referral in Local Network. The Keep Referral in Local Network dashboard displays.
You can get to back to the main view or go to any of the reports when you click Improved Clinical Experience and click any of the headers under Improved Clinical Experience.
Explore the Keep Referrals in Local Network dashboard
The Keep Referral in Local Network dashboard has the following pages:
Main view
Details page of each report:
Cross practice view details
The Cross practice view option lets you view your practice's referral behavior across all contexts.
You must have access to a "parent" or "master" context which can oversee all contexts to view the cross practice view. With the master context and context filters in the cross context view, you can identify referral patterns across contexts or dive into individual contexts too.
Main view
The main view has two sections of information.
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.
Left section provides you with key metrics such as:
Track Outbound Referral Patterns
Displays the Submitted Order and percentage of change from previous month
You have the option to view it MoM or YoY
Submitted Order definition is — The total number of orders submitted to by the practice
Understand Local Network Referral Trends
Displays the Keep Rate % for the current month and percentage of change from previous month
You have the option to view it MoM or YoY
Keep Rate % definition is — The percentage of orders sent to a receiving clinical provider within the practice's local network based on a referral's first submission date
Analyze out of local network referrals reasons
Displays Total Out of Network Referrals and the previous month's reason
You have the option to view it MoM or YoY
Total Out of Network Referrals definition — The total number of referrals submitted to a clinical provider out of local network
Right section provides user with high level trend reports for the below:
Total Outbound Referrals by Local Network
Y axis label — Total Orders
X axis label — Order Submitted Month
Banner description of the report — Understand if referrals are sent to preferred clinical providers within your local networks. Review outbound referral trends based on the local network types. Gain insights about outbound referrals sent out of your local networks. You can analyze trends and improve the number of referrals sent to your local networks.
Outbound Referral Trends
Total Keep Rate
Y axis label — Keep Rate %
x axis label — Order Submitted Month
Banner description of the report — Track the percentage of referrals sent to a clinical provider within your local network. Understand keep rate fluctuations for total referrals or by individual order type groups.
Out of Local Network Referrals
X axis label — Out of Local Network Orders
X axis label — Order Submitted Month
Banner description of the report — Track referral volume were sent to a clinical provider out of your local network. Fluctuation in volume will help your practice identify opportunities for improvement and growth tailored to an order type group or order type or specialty
You can export the data of the reports on the right side of the dashboard.
On the main view of the dashboard, you can set date filters to sort the results in the high level reports. Click the Filter button to reveal two date filters:
Start Date
End Date
The date athenaOne filters by is the order submitted date (meaning the first submission date of an order).
Details page of each metric
You can click on each report to view the detailed breakdown of that metric. These reports are also listed as menu options under Keep Referrals in Local Networks.
Reports include:
Track Outbound Referral Pattern
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.Understand Local Network Referral Trends
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.Analyze Out of Local Network Referrals Reasons
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.
Track Outbound Referral Pattern
When you click this report, you're shown a detailed breakdown view of the metrics in the report.
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.
The Details page provides additional insights into your practice's outbound referral behavior.
You can use page level filters that apply to all the reports on that page. These filters appear in the blue box below the page header.
Ordering Provider — Use this to view insights for a specific ordering provider
Department — Use this to view insights for a specific department
Specialty — Use this to view insights for a specific specialty
The first report is the Total Outbound Referrals by Local Network which gives you insights into the outbound referrals sent to different local network type and out of local network as well.
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.
Title — Total Outbound Referrals by Local Network
Banner description — Understand the total number of outbound referrals made by your practice by local network types. Track where referrals are being sent and identify opportunities for improvement within the referral network
X axis — Order Submitted Month
Y axis — Total Orders
Tool tip information for Employed:
Order Submitted Month
Employed Network Orders
Total Submitted Orders
Tool tip information for Affiliate:
Order Submitted Month
Affiliate Network Orders
Total Submitted Orders
Tool tip information for Out of Local Network:
Order Submitted Month
Out of Local Network Orders
Total Submitted Orders
You can view the report by different Order Type Groups such as:
Followed by the Total Outbound Referral Trends report which gives you
the total number of orders submitted by their practice.Title — Total Outbound Referrals Trends
Banner description — Understand the total number of outbound referrals made by your practice. Analyze trends to identify referral patterns over time.
X axis — Order Submitted Month
Y axis — Total Orders
You can view the report by different Order Type Groups such as:
The last section will be the detailed breakdown of the Total Outbound Referrals by Local Network Breakdown table.
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.
Title — Total Outbound Referrals by Local Network: Breakdown
Banner description — View detailed breakdown of referrals by different order type groups. Use the different view by options to breakdown referral data from different perspectives.
You can view the report by different Order Type Groups such as:
You can view the detailed breakdown by different View By options such as:
Ordering Provider
Order Type
Order Genus
You can filter the results using the month Filter.
Columns in the table are:
Value selected in View By
NPI (This will be empty when viewed by other entities)
Total Orders Submitted
Orders in Local Network
Orders sent to Employed Network(s)
Order sent to Affiliated Network(s)
Order sent to Out of Local Networks
You can export the breakdown table.
Understand Local Network Referral Trends
When you click this report, you're shown a detailed breakdown view of the metrics in the report.
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.
The Details page provides additional insights into your practice's keep rate.
You can use page level filters that apply to all the reports on that page. These filters appear in the blue box below the page header.
Ordering Provider — Use this to view insights for a specific ordering provider
Department — Use this to view insights for a specific department
Specialty — Use this to view insights for a specific specialty
The first report is the Total Keep Rate which gives you insights into the percentage of outbound referrals made by your practice to local network clinical providers.
Title — Total Keep Rate
Banner description — View the percentage of outbound referrals sent to your local networks. Understand keep rate fluctuations for total referrals or by individual order type groups.
X axis — Order Submitted Month
Y axis — Keep Rate %
Followed by the Distribution of Keep Rate by Local Network Type which gives you insights into the outbound referrals sent to different local network type and out of local network as well.
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.Title — Distribution of Keep Rate by Local Network Type
Banner description — View the percentage of outbound referrals sent to your employed vs affiliate local network type. Understand keep rate fluctuations for between the network types to identify potential growth in referral networks.
X axis — Order Submitted Month
Y axis — Keep Rate %
Tool tip information for Employed:
Order Submitted Month
Employed Network Keep Rate%
Employed Network Orders
Total Submitted Orders
Tool tip information for Affiliate:
Order Submitted Month
Affiliate Network Keep Rate%
Affiliate Network Orders
Total Submitted Orders
You can view the report by different Order Type Groups such as:
The last section will be the detailed breakdown of the Total Keep Rate Breakdown table.
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.Title — Total Keep Rate Breakdown
Banner description — View detailed breakdown of referrals and their keep rate% by different order type groups. Use the different view by options to breakdown keep rate data from different perspectives.
You can view the report by different Order Type Groups such as:
You can view the detailed breakdown by different View By options such as:
Ordering Provider
Order Type
Order Genus
You can filter the results using the month Filter.
Columns of the table are:
Value selected in View By
NPI (This will be displayed only for an ordering or receiver provider, if available)
Keep Rate %
Total Order Submitted
Total Orders in Local Network
Orders sent to Employed Network(s)
Orders sent to Affiliated Network(s)
You can export the breakdown table.
Analyze out of local network referrals reasons
When you click this report, you're shown a detailed breakdown view of the metrics in the report.
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.
The Details page provides additional insights into your practice's keep rate.
You can use page level filters that apply for all the reports and tables in the page. These filters appear in the blue box below the page header.
Ordering Provider — Use this to view insights for a specific ordering provider
Department — Use this to view insights for a specific department
Specialty — Use this to view insights for a specific specialty
The first report is the Out of Local Network Reasons which gives you insights into the different reasons for the referrals sent to a clinical provider out of local network.
Title — Out of Local Network Reasons
Banner description — View the out of local network reasons for orders sent out of local network. Identify trends, pinpoint areas of improvement and proactive measures to mitigate the number of out of local network orders.
X axis — Order Submitted Month
Y axis — Out of Local Network Orders
You can view the report by different Order Type Groups such as:
Followed by the detailed breakdown of the Out of Local Network Reasons Breakdown table.
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.Title — Out of Local Network Reasons Breakdown
Banner description — View detailed breakdown of the different reasons and the number of out of local network orders for each reasons. Use the different view by options to breakdown out of local network reasons data from different perspectives.
You can view the report by different Order Type Groups such as:
You can view the detailed breakdown by different View By options such as:
Ordering Provider
Order Type
Order Genus
You can filter the results using the month Filter.
Columns of the table are:
Value selected in View by
Total Submitted OON Orders
Displays the order count for the entity sent to a CP out of local network
Patient Preference
Displays the order count submitted with Patient Preference as the reason
Displays the order count submitted with Location as the reason
Specialty not in organization
Displays the order count submitted with Specialty not in organization as the reason
Pre-existing relationship
Displays the order count submitted with Pre-existing relationship
based on Insurance
Displays the order count submitted with Insurance as the reason
Displays the order count submitted with Schedule/Availability as the reason