The enhanced clinical provider selection widget is now available for four more order types to help you search and select the right receiver for the following orders:
Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
Prior authorizations
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.
Update Patient Preferred Pharmacy
You can now update the Patient Preferred pharmacy from:
The patient demographic information when you expand the View more icon in the patient banner.
The A/P section of the exam while selecting a receiver for an order in the Send to field.
Demographic information section
When you click the View more icon in the patient banner to expand and review patient demographic information, you can set the Patient Preferred pharmacy.
In the Pharmacy field, click the Plus icon, and the CPSW appears where you can click the receiver you'd like to add to the patient's Patient Preferred pharmacy list.
Click the Plus icon again to add additional receivers to the Patient Preferred pharmacy list.
The patient's primary pharmacy appears with the Primary label.
When there are two or more receivers in the Patient Preferred pharmacy list, you can click the:
Star icon to set the receiver as the Patient's Primary Pharmacy.
X icon to remove the receiver from the Patient Preferred pharmacy list.
A/P section of the exam while selecting a receiver
You can also set the patient's preferred receivers in the clinical provider selection widget for imaging and lab orders.
When you're in the CPSW (while choosing a receiver for your pharmacy order in the A/P section of the Exam), you can click the More options icon to:
Set as Patient's Primary — Makes the receiver the Patient's Primary Pharmacy.
Add to Patient Preferred — Adds the receiver to the Patient Preferred pharmacy list and adds the label Patient's Pharmacy while viewing the receiver in the Relevance view.
Remove from Patient's Preferred Pharmacy — Removes the receiver from the Patient Preferred pharmacy list.
Once the receivers are set as the patient's preferred pharmacies, you can view the results by Patient Preferred. Only receivers set up as a patient's preferred pharmacy appear in this view. The receiver set as the Patient's Primary Pharmacy always appears at the top of the list in the Relevance view. Based on sorting options you've selected, the other patient preferred receivers may be further down in the table.
In the Patient Preferred view, you see all the preferred receivers together.
In the Relevance view the receiver labeled as Patient's Primary Pharmacy always appears at the top of the list.
The enhanced clinical provider selection widget offers robust receiver results to help you select the right receiver for your prescription, vaccine, and DME order.
Clinical provider search results include:
Clinical provider receiver name
Type — The type of pharmacy (Retail or Mail-Order)
Local Network affiliation (if applicable)
Frequently Used by the ordering provider or department for the order type
Location with link to full list of locations (if applicable)
Phone and Fax numbers
Direct Address (full address available in receiver details )
Distance from either patient or practice zip code, or manually entered zip code
National Provider Identifier (NPI)
User access and permissions
You must be logged in to a department that uses athenaClinicals, and you must have permission to access and update the patient chart to access this functionality.
To access Local Networks, your practice must have the local networks service turned on, and you must have the "Coordinator Admin: Local Networks" role to manage local network configurations.
For more information on Local Networks, see the following O-help topics:
Access the clinical provider selection widget
The improved clinical provider selection widget is not available from the Quickview or Check-in pages.
You can quickly enter the clinical provider selection widget from various locations.
Depending on the access point, the field where the clinical provider selection widget lives is labeled differently:
On a prescription, vaccine, and DME order within an open encounter or order group— The improved clinical provider selection widget appear when you click plus icon in the Send to field. If no clinical provider is entered, click + Receiver. If a clinical provider is entered, click the receiver's name to view or update it.
In Document View and Consolidated Document View — The field is labeled Clinical Provider; you can click either Search or the clinical provider's name to open the improved clinical provider selection widget.
When configuring an Order Set — The clinical provider selection field is Send to.
In Order Routes — The field is Clinical Provider.
When the Add a receiver page appears
The "Add a receiver" page of the clinical provider selection widget appears after you go through one of the previously described entry points. A receiver accepts the selected order type if it matches the primary specialty listed for them in the athenaOne System’s global clinical provider database.
The search will default to receivers within 30 miles of the patient’s zip code that accept the selected order type.
The default sort order is Relevance.
If your practice:
Has local networks enabled, sorting by relevance lists receivers by network tier and then distance.
Does not have local networks enabled, sorting by relevance is the same as sorting by distance to zip code.
Tip: Click the image for a closer look.
Direct addresses and NPI numbers only display if they are available for a receiver.
To use the Filters bar
When you’re displaying the Add a receiver page, the Filters bar appears above the results section. In the Filters bar you can:
- See how many filter options are applied to the results.
- Click Clear to remove the filters that are applied to the results.
Select filter options from the following headings:
Option | Description |
Within any distance of |
This heading displays the amount of miles from the patient's zip code. You can update your default preference to be distance from the practice's zip code. Quickly switch between the patient's and the practice's zip code or manually enter a valid US zip code.
You can also set a more applicable search radius. Available options include: 10 miles, 30 miles, 50 miles, 100 miles, or any distance. Any changes to the distance filter persist. If you use a different computer, you need to reset your distance filter preference. |
Local Networks |
If your practice has local networks configured, you can select specific network tiers and view the results. The values for this filter display the names of your practice’s self-defined network tiers.
This filter only appears if your practice has the Local Networks service turned on. See the User Access and Permissions section of this release note for information. |
Pharmacy Type |
The type of pharmacy. You can filter by:
This filter speeds up your selection decisions because you won't need to rely solely on searching the terms "Retail" or "Mail-order" to see those results. |
Sort by |
Select either:
View by Relevance or Patient Preferred receivers
The new View By options let you see the receiver results by either:
Relevance — This is the default option.
Patient Preferred — Controlled by the patient's preferred pharmacies. Click the more options icon of any receiver to set them as a preferred receiver. Once set as Patient Preferred, you can set the receiver as the primary receiver or remove it from the preferred list.
The Patient's Primary Pharmacy label appears in both views. The receiver set as the Patient's Primary Pharmacy appears at the top of the list.
In the Relevance view, the Patient's Pharmacy label appears on any receivers set to appear in the Patient Preferred view.Changes made to a patient's preferred provider may take up to one hour to reflect in the clinical provider selection widget. Updates made within the clinical provider selection widget to a patient's preferred provider appear immediately.
The View By options also appear on lab and imaging orders.
Search for a receiver
You can now better search for a receiver by:
- Display Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Fax number
If you don’t find who you are looking for, edit your search term.
Quickly select from the frequently used list
Frequently Used — If you’d like to easily and quickly select a receiver that the ordering provider usually refers to for the order type, you can now see the top four results appear at the top of the table of receivers.
The frequently used receivers are sorted by local network participation (employed network, affiliate network, and then out of network), and then by distance from the zip code.
The list of frequently used receivers is unique to the ordering provider and the selected order type. If the ordering provider does not have any frequently used receivers for the selected order type, a list of frequently used receivers for the ordering provider's practice displays. If the practice does not have any frequently used receivers, then the table of receivers does not display the label "frequently used".
From here you can:
- Click into empty space of the receiver's row to select the receiver and close the clinical provider selection widget.
The row turns blue when you hover your cursor over it. - If applicable, click [Number] more locations to reveal the Receiver Details page.
The Receiver Details page appears.
You can also set the sort order of the clinical provider selection widget to Frequently Used.
Filter by distance
When filtering by distance, you can:
See a message when the practice and patient ZIP codes are invalid or when a manually entered ZIP code is invalid.
Select a preference for the type of ZIP code. You can select Patient ZIP code or Practice ZIP code. The athenaOne System remembers your preferred ZIP code type.
Hover over the info icon to reveal a message about the Default preference field.
Switch between patient and practice ZIP code by clicking Switch to [Type of] ZIP code. Switching between ZIP code types via this link does not affect your preferred ZIP code type when the Add receiver window opens.
Filter by Pharmacy Type
You can filter by the type of pharmacy. Options include:
This filter speeds up your selection decisions because you won't need to rely solely on searching the terms "Retail" or "Mail-order" to see those results.
Selecting from the pre-filtered results
When the clinical provider selection widget first appears, you can:
Browse the pre-filtered results: you can apply your own filters, or search receivers.
Click anywhere on the row to select a receiver and add them to the order.
The row turns blue when you hover your cursor over it.
In the receiver row:
A green outline indicates that this receiver is in the ordering providers' local network. The name of the local network appears below the receiver's name.
The initials in the icon indicate the receiver is a person.
An image of multiple people (avatars) in the icon indicates the receiver is a non-person, group, or practice.
A leaf icon next to the provider's circle icon indicates a coordinator core partner.
An image of a stethoscope (avatar) in the icon indicates the receiver does not have a display name.
See more information on the Receiver Details page
The Receiver Details page provides a consolidated view for all clinical provider records related to a specific receiver's NPI number.
Click the more options icon or the [Number] more locations link in the Location column (if it appears) to display the Receiver Details page.
The [Number] more locations link only appears for receivers with more than one location.
The receiver’s main details are sourced from the existing clinical provider record and you're instructed to complete the remaining fields. Main details include:
- Provider name
- NPI number
The Receiver Details page provides a consolidated view for all clinical provider records related to a specific receiver's NPI number. The [Number] more locations link (if it appears) in the receiver row. This link only appears for receivers with more than one location.
You can access the Add New Location option from the Receiver Details page to add a new location for an existing receiver.
Search by NPI number
You can search and view a National Provider Identifier (NPI) for person providers in the browse and search results of the improved clinical provider selection widget.
When you search a full ten digit NPI, and there is a match, the clinical provider selection widget displays it in bold.
If your organization uses local networks you can use the NPI to confirm the right clinical provider is selected.
Group by NPI number
You can now filter the list of receivers by NPI number so that more receivers appear without duplication. For example, with the box unchecked you may see the receiver appear twice because there are two locations for that receiver.
Check the Group by NPI box to group results by NPI number.
Hover over the text "Group by NPI" to read a message about the check box. One of two messages appear, dependent on if you check or uncheck the box.
The image below is an example of the checked Group by NPI box. When you hover over the field, a message about what happens when you uncheck the box appears:
The image below is an example of the unchecked Group by NPI box. When you hover over the field, a message about what happens when you check the box appears: