New OB Documentation Experience


An enhanced OB Worksheet now appears within prenatal encounter workflows, allowing you to document relevant prenatal information while maintaining access to chart tabs and other encounter sections. The worksheet includes improvements to streamline your documentation of routine visits, giving focus to the information that matters to you and your patient most.

Improved visibility for better prenatal care

Access enhanced OB Worksheet now available from within prenatal encounters for improved visibility into a patient’s prenatal and overall wellness.

  • Previously: The OB Episode could only be accessed from a tab on the right side of an encounter, making it inconvenient for providers to document the encounter while accessing other areas of the patient's chart.

  • Now: You can access chart tabs and other encounter sections as you document a prenatal visit. In this example, a provider checks the patient's Problems List in their chart while updating pregnancy problems in the OB Worksheet.


Discover the new OB encounter layout

The OB Worksheet now appears in prenatal encounters, making it easier to access patient information while documenting an OB visit.

Feature highlights

  • Access the enhanced OB Worksheet directly from the encounter or from outside of an exam.

  • Document a prenatal encounter while maintaining full access to a patient's chart tabs and previous encounter information.

  • Expand or collapse sections of the worksheet to give specific areas focus as you record pregnancy findings.

  • Access the action menu in the worksheet to close, print, fax, or delete an OB episode. You can also select View Audit History to see changes made within the worksheet over time.

  • The information you enter in the worksheet saves automatically.

Learn more

For detailed coverage of the enhanced OB Worksheet's access points and layout changes, see Features and Navigation in O-help.


Track the progress of a pregnancy in the enhanced OB Worksheet

Review the following feature highlights for the enhanced OB Worksheet, which appear below by functional area.

For all information pertaining to the enhanced OB Worksheet, visit the Embedded OB Workflow topic in O-help.


Review or record pregnancy problems

When you access the OB Worksheet during a patient encounter, the Pregnancy Problems section appears at the top, giving the patient's issues immediate focus. As a pregnancy progresses, add new problems as they develop, update existing problems, or delete problems as needed.

Feature highlights

  • Access the new Pregnancy Problems card, which appears at the top of the worksheet to give the patient's issues immediate focus. The card remains visible at the top of the worksheet even as you scroll.

  • In a collapsed state, if there are more than two rows of problems documented, click view more to see additional problems.
    Click view less to limit the problems displayed.

  • Use macros in Pregnancy Problems or Prenatal Visits note fields to add frequently entered note text. To save a note as a macro, click the text micro icon .

    Enter a preferred shortcut name and update text as needed. Click Save.
    To reuse the stored text as a note, begin typing the shortcut name in a note field. The shortcut name appears. Click the shortcut name to enter the note text without typing the note again in full.

Learn more

For step-by-step coverage, see Pregnancy Problems in O-help.


Track pregnancy trends as you document prenatal visits

In the Prenatal Visits flowsheet, document key data points for pregnant patients and their fetus(es) from their initial prenatal visit to delivery. The condensed flowsheet view gives you visibility into critical changes throughout a patient’s pregnancy.

In this example, a provider reviews changes in a patient's blood pressure during an encounter.

Feature highlights

  • As before, athenaOne automatically adds a prenatal visit entry for each encounter after the patient is checked in. In the enhanced OB Worksheet, you can manually add entries to the flowsheet if desired. Click Add New Prenatal Visit beneath the flowsheet to add a new row.

  • In pregnancies involving multiple fetuses, track the presentation, fetal heart rate, and fetal movement values for each fetus within the same flowsheet.

  • Weight deltas appear next to each weight entry, showing you the change that occurred since the previous reading. The total weight delta appears beneath the column heading. To see the patient's total weight gain, you must also enter the patient's pre-pregnancy weight.

  • The Notes field is macro enabled, allowing you to reuse frequently entered text.

  • If preferred, use keyboard shortcuts to quickly navigate through flowsheet fields and select field options.

  • Reorder flowsheet columns to suit your individual workflow needs. Click Settings in the upper right corner of the flowsheet. In Reorder Prenatal Visits Columns, drag-and-drop columns to modify their order of appearance in the flowsheet. Click Save Changes to apply your updates.

    Reordering flowsheet columns is a user-level setting, which allows providers to configure the flowsheet to suit their individual workflow preferences.


    For pre-existing OB episodes, if problems were hidden in the legacy workflow, they won’t appear in the new experience. This only impacts pre-existing OB episodes that have hidden pregnancy problems.


Learn more

To review all flowsheet enhancements, see Prenatal Visits in O-help.


Review labs and mapped lab results

The labs commonly ordered for OB patients appear in the Labs table within the OB Worksheet, with test results prepopulating in the table once mapped. In this example, a provider selects the Highlight check box for a mapped lab result to call attention to it.

Feature highlights

  • Check the Gestational Age column in the Labs table, with values automatically calculated based on the Date Collected field in mapped lab results.

  • Select check boxes to highlight lab result rows directly in the OB Worksheet.

Learn more

For in-depth coverage of these enhancements, see Labs in O-help.


Record details in Pregnancy Information

The Pregnancy Information section in the enhanced OB Worksheet is divided into three subsections: About Pregnancy, Menstrual History, and EDD Calculation. Enter general information about the pregnancy in these fields.

In this example, a provider enters the date of the patient's Last Menstrual Period and an ultrasound date (U/S Date). athenaOne automatically calculates and displays an estimated delivery date to the right of these fields based on the information entered.

The provider reviews these calculations, enters an Initial EDD , and clicks Confirm Initial EDD.

Feature highlights

  • The Pregnancy Information section and its subsections are collapsible. Expand or collapse sections to give specific areas of the worksheet focus.

  • Click Confirm Initial EDD and Confirm Final EDD in the EDD Calculation subsection to verify the initial and final estimated date of delivery (EDD).

    The Final EDD you enter is also used in EDD reporting. We recommend that you enter the Final EDD as well as the Initial EDD to ensure accuracy in EDD reports.

    Click your signature and date that appears after confirming to remove the confirmation if needed.

Learn more

For additional details, see Pregnancy Information in O-help.

Document patient responses to Genetic Screening & Infection History questions

In the OB Worksheet, record answers to genetic screening and infection history questions you ask your patient to assess potential risks to birth outcomes and fetal health.

In this example, a provider asks a patient a screening question and records the response.

Feature highlights

  • Navigate to the Genetic Screening & Infection History card in the worksheet to access the screening questions your practice has defined.

  • Select Yes, No, or No to All to quickly record patient responses.

Learn more

For additional information, see Genetic Screening & Infection History in O-help.


Track plans and education specific to each pregnancy trimester

Access Plans & Education in the OB Worksheet to review the discussion items and educational resources relevant to a patient in a given trimester. As you discuss these items with your patient, select the checkbox for the item.


In this example, a provider adds notes as they review educational materials and care plans for a patient in their second trimester of pregnancy.

Feature highlights

  • Expand First Trimester, Second Trimester, or Third Trimester sections to review discussion items for a given trimester.

  • Update trimester checklists to track progress.

Learn more

For more information, see Plans & Education in O-help.


Record delivery details

After a pregnancy is completed, access Delivery Details in the OB Worksheet to record information about the delivery, the baby, and the patient at the point of discharge.

In this example, a provider accesses Discharge Information in this section to record the discharge date.

Feature highlights

  • Previously, the legacy OB Worksheet would only show all delivery information fields after a provider entered the Delivery Date. The enhanced Delivery Details section shows all fields regardless of whether a delivery date is defined, allowing you to enter information ahead of time.

  • If you indicated multiple fetuses in Pregnancy Information, additional sections appear in Delivery Details to record information for each fetus.

  • athenaOne calculates the Gestational Age value based on the Delivery Date you enter in this section.

  • The Baby Information subsection supports weight values in both pounds and ounces or grams.

Learn more

For additional information and field guidance, see Delivery Details in O-help.


Customize the Embedded OB Worksheet

If you are a clinic manager or administrator, you can modify the specific content that appears in specific areas of the worksheet.

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