Void Transactions Without Leaving Visit & Claim Update Page


You can now void the following transaction types without leaving the Visit & Claim Update page:

  • Adjustments

  • Transfers

  • Payments


On the Visit & Claim Update page, when you click Void, the new Void window appears over the page itself.

Tip: Hover over the image for a closer look.


Tip: Hover over the image for a closer look.


A door and arrow icon appears in certain buttons in the Void window to indicate when you're leaving the Visit & Claim Update page to complete payment batch workflows.


The following image is an example of voiding adjustments and transfers.

The following image is an example of voiding payments.

Unchanged void workflows

This new workflow is not available on Claim Edit. Void workflows remain unchanged on the Claim Edit page.


Void workflows for e-payments remain unchanged.


Previously, you could only void transactions through a complex workflow that involved multiple pages and took a long time to complete.


You can now work more efficiently because we're removing unnecessary clicks from the workflow without changing the overall steps required for voiding.

To display the Visit & Claim Update page

For more information about the Visit & Claim Update page, see the User Guide — Visit & Claim Update page article in O-help.


To display the Visit & Claim Update page, you can either:

  • Search for a Claim ID — The Visit & Claim Update page appears automatically if the associated visit can still be run through the Rules Engine.

  • Select a claim from any hold or follow up worklist — The Visit & Claim Update page appears automatically if the associated visit can still be run through the Rules Engine.

    The Visit & Claim Update page is only available for existing claims. This means you cannot access the page through the Missing Slips Worklist.

  • Click the Go to Visit & Claim Update Page link in the Claim Notes section on Claim Edit.

    There are scenarios where this link does not appear in the Claim Note section. For more information on these scenarios, see the Breaking the glass section of the User Guide — Visit & Claim Update page topic in O-help.

Void transactions on the Visit & Claim Update page

Voiding adjustments and transfers with no payment batch assigned

You can now void adjustments and transfers without leaving the Visit & Claim Update page. These two transaction types follow the same workflows.


In the void window, we offer our best recommendations for voiding adjustments and transfers.


After you review the recommendation from athenaOne, you can select from the Payment Batch Options:

  • Void without Payment Batch — For voiding adjustments and transfers, this is the default and recommended workflow.

    You can set the Post Date. This field defaults to the current day's date.

  • Create New Payment Batch
  • Find Open Payment Batch


The button to complete or continue the workflow depends on what you choose in the Payment Batch Options field:

Button Location Behavior
Void Appears for Void without Payment Batch. This button completes the workflow.
Create New Payment Batch Appears for Create New Payment Batch. A door and arrow icon appears to indicate that you're leaving the Visit & Claim Update page when you click this button. You must finish the create new payment batch workflow before returning to the Visit & Claim Update page to complete the transaction void workflow.
Find Open Payment Batch Appears for Find Open Payment Batch. A door and arrow icon appears to indicate that you're leaving the Visit & Claim Update page when you click this button. You must finish the find open payment batch workflow before returning to the Visit & Claim Update page to complete the transaction void workflow.

Voiding payments with no payment batch assigned

You can now void payments without leaving the Visit & Claim Update page.


After you review the recommendation from athenaOne, you can select from the following Payment Batch Options:

  • Create Correction Payment Batch — For voiding payments that you intend to repost on a claim, this is the default and recommended workflow.

    You can add an optional Payment batch note and set the Post Date, which defaults to the current day's date.

    When you complete this workflow, the payment batch is automatically assigned to you.

  • Create New Payment Batch
  • Find Open Payment Batch


The button to complete or continue the workflow depends on what you choose in the Payment Batch Options field:

Button Location Behavior
Void Appears for Create Correction Payment Batch.

This button completes the workflow.

After you click Void, the newly created correction payment batch will be automatically assigned to you.

Create New Payment Batch

Appears for Create New Payment Batch. A door and arrow icon appears to indicate that your leaving the Visit & Claim Update page when you click this button. You must finish the Create New Payment Batch workflow before returning to the Visit & Claim Update page to complete the transaction void workflow.
Find Open Payment Batch Appears for Find Open Payment Batch. A door and arrow icon appears to indicate that your leaving the Visit & Claim Update page when you click this button. You must finish the Find Open Payment Batch workflow before returning to the Visit & Claim Update page to complete the transaction void workflow.

Voiding transactions with a payment batch assigned

These are the workflows that appear when you click Void when you already have a payment batch assigned for adjustments, transfers, and payments. This is what you would see when you resume the void workflow on Visit & Claim Update after completing the following workflows:

  • Create New Payment Batch

  • Find Open Payment Batch


From this point you can:

  • Click Void to complete the workflow
  • Take several actions depending on certain scenarios and criteria, all of which take you away from the Visit & Claim Update page, including:
    • Edit payment batch
    • Edit deposit batch
    • Add unpostable
    • Manage unpostabes
    • Manage EOB docs

Show voided transactions

After voiding charges and transactions, you can click the Show voided charges and transactions option to hide or reveal voided charges and transactions in the Transaction History section.

Tip: Hover over the image for a closer look.


To void charges, remove them from the visit side of the Visit & Claim Update page and click Update Claim(s).

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