See Whether Patient Email Can Receive Emails


You can now see a message appear on Quickview and Check-in when an email sent to your patient bounced, meaning it wasn't delivered.

Seeing this message appear doesn't block you from completing check-in

In Contact List section on Quickview and Check-in Click here.

Display Quickview or Check-in:

  • Quickview — See the "How do I get to this page?" section of the O-help topic for more info on displaying Quickview.
  • Check-in Stage — See the "How do I get to this page?" section of the O-help topic for more info on displaying Check-in.

A purple info icon  appears next to the message. Under the email field, the message tells you that our records indicate a previous attempt to deliver an email to this email address did not go through. The email bounced.


Here's an at-a-glance example of the message appearing in the:

  • Chart contact details row
    Here's a closer look

  • Patient row (where the patient has a portal account)

  • Here's a closer look

You should review this email address with the patient. If they want to change the email address on file, clicking on the email in the Contact List or the Edit link opens the edit workflow.


When you see this message, you are not prevented from leaving the email address as-is and proceeding with your Check-in workflow.

See message in edit patient contact details workflow Click here.

The purple info icon  and message appear below the email field in the edit workflow. To change the email address on file, you can clear out the previous email and enter a new email.


However, this message does not prevent you from leaving the email address as is and proceeding with Check-in or making updates on the patient's Quickview.


If you see the message, you can:

  • Leave the previous email as is
  • Enter a new email,
  • Check the no email box
Patient must re-register for Patient Portal message Click here.

The following image is an example of the email bounced message for an email with Patient Portal access.

When you go to the edit workflow and clear the previous email, a Patient Portal specific alert appears below the email field.

When you change or remove an email address associated with a Patient Portal account, the following pre-existing warning appears. Changing the email address for a patient with Patient Portal access requires the patient to register again with the new email address. This is a requirement for safety and compliance reasons.
This is a pre-existing requirement, we're calling it out specifically to provide clarity that it is not new functionality related to this feature.


To edit the patient email, you can:

  • Enter a new email — This option then brings you to the Patient Portal registration workflow because you need to re-register the new patient email with the Patient Portal.
  • Check the no email box — This option removes Patient Portal access for the patient, as an email address is required for Patient Portal access

When you check the No email box, the message changes to inform you that by not entering a new email, you're deleting the patient's Patient Portal account.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) Click here.

Why does my patient need to register for the Patient Portal again?

For compliance reasons, when the email is changed for a patient with a Patient Portal account, the patient will need to re-register to the portal with the new email address. This is an existing and current requirement that is not new to this feature.


What type of emails does the email bounced message apply to?

The email bounced message (which appears with a purple info icon ) only applies to patient emails and does not apply to other patient contact emails. We intend to have this feature support patient contact emails in a future release.


How do I proceed with Check-in when I see the alert?

Check-in can proceed as is. It is not mandatory to change the email address for the patient when you see the message about a bounced email. It is recommended to review the email address with your patient at the time of check-in to ensure the correct email is on file and patient can receive emails from your practice.

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