See Supervising Provider on the Billing Tab

Summary: You can now set a Supervising Provider on the Billing tab.


Benefit: We've added this new field so providers can optionally set a supervising provider during their workflow when it's different than the rendering provider.



We're making the following changes in the Appointment Summary section of the Billing tab:

  • Renamed the Provider field Rendering Provider. We made this change to clarify which provider this field refers to.
  • Added a new Supervising Provider field. We made this change so you can select a supervising provider on the Billing tab.

The Supervising Provider field:

  • Automatically fills in with the Supervising Provider selected on the associated appointment (if applicable).
  • Will only automatically fill in the Rendering Provider if the rendering provider is their own Default supervising provider.
  • If the rendering provider has a Default supervising provider other than themselves, they appear as a Suggested Provider option next to the new field. You can click Apply to set the suggested provider as the Supervising Provider.

Benefit: We're making this change so providers can optionally set the supervising provider during their normal billing review workflow. This update may align better with how some practices determine and set this field.


This is not a required field. It has no effect on claim creation. This new field defaults in the same manner as the Supervising Provider field on Charge Entry:

  • This field is automatically filled in with the Supervising Provider selected on the associated appointment, if applicable.
  • Otherwise, the field is automatically filled in with the Rendering Provider only if the Rendering Provider is their own usual Supervising Provider, per the Providers page in your Billing settings.
  • If the Rendering Provider has a usual Supervising Provider other than themselves, it will appear as a Quick Add option next to the new field.

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