How do I request a report or access for user for approved Wayne State University Research IRB?


To gain access or for reports from Wayne Health's EMR system for research purposes we have implemented a registration process of approved Wayne State University Research IRB. This process allows Wayne Health to track requests of PHI and accounts that are used to access Wayne Health data for research purposes. This process ensures Wayne Health follow HIPAA guidelines and NIST best practices.

Submission of IRB Registration Request


Prior to the first step the requestor should have an electronic copy of the stamp approved front page indicating start and end dates. A brief summary of the Research IRB. 

  1. Register the WSU IRB by submitting an Research IRB Registration request.
  2. Once the IRB is registered, To submit a report request needed for research data. Submit an Research IRB Report request.

  3. Once the IRB is registered, to submit an account request for research purposes. Submit an Research IRB Account request.

Workflow of IRB registration requests.

  • Wayne Health Compliance will receive the notification of the request.
  • IRB request is added to tracking database with a status of Pending.
  • The requestor now may submit report or account requests relating to this IRB. The IRB number that was entered will show in the Pending registration drop down.
WH Compliance will review and verify he information on the IRB registration request. They may need more information and the requestor will receive those questions. If they do not need more information, they will approve the IRB for registration. Here is what occurs at registration.
  • An email notification of registration will be sent to the requestor.
  • IRB request is added to tracking database with a status of Approved.
  • Report or access requests related to specific IRB registered will be moved forward in their respective workflows.

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